What if you don’t want a location Independent/laptop lifestyle/work from anywhere business?

I see it often, maybe you do too, coaches and entrepreneurs extolling the virtues of the “Laptop Lifestyle”.

As if that’s the only measure of success or freedom.

But what if that doesn’t appeal.



That, like me you like to work at your desk, in one place WITH the OPTION to stop work and take as many holidays as you want.

You see I think the Laptop Lifestyle is fancy way to overwork yourself.

A dressed up version of multitasking.

A socially acceptable way to not be present.

A not so clever way to NOT HAVE the very freedom and flexibility you started your business for.

Oh Boy!

I started my first business back in 2007. And the ONE thing I’ve learned is that successful entrepreneurs know when to switch off.

They know how to hire teams and how to delegate.

They know how to plan their day and their workload so that the RIGHT things get done.

Of course there will be times when things don’t go to plan and you have to pivot and respond quickly and that might mean laptop by the pool. With the right structures in place that will be the exception NOT the norm.

So the moral of the story is…

WORK hard

PLAY hard

Delegate hard


Don’t let the lines get blurred.

Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to get back to work.

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