You can watch the video or read the blog post whichever you prefer
It seems as if lately the coaching, mentoring, transformation world is all abuzz with talk of VIP days and going High End.
“Up-Levelling is the new Black”
What used to be the domain of the gurus and big name coaches is now being touted as accessible to the masses.
Even among my Package your Passion clients I am getting that question “Will I only make money if I go High End?
Now don’t get me wrong. I Love offering High- End packages! It lights me up being able to serve my clients 1:1 an
d to give them the attention the desire and deserve.
As a matter of fact I’ve used high-end packages successfully to grow first my wedding planning business and now my current mentoring business, Internationally.
First class flights and everything! Oh yeah! ——->
Here’s the thing or as my American counterparts would say here’s the kicker….making the move into high end packages is more than a fancy spa day, floaty dresses and a price increase.
It starts with an inside job. You have be confident of the value of what you offer to your clients. Once you’ve done the internal work there is the practical side.
I know right…I used the word practical.
When it comes to high-end VIP packages, there is plenty of talk about offering them, marketing them, selling them but how do you know what to include in them.
Yes the actual meat of the matter.
How do you turn something that you currently offer in 1 or 2 hour sessions OR if you are new to the coaching or mentoring something you are yet to offer into a whole day affair?
Here are my top three tips to get you started.
- Look at your current packages which of your current 1, 2 or 3 hour sessions naturally flow together. If you are new to offering coaching and mentoring. Start with your best skill and offer it as a half day. As your confidence grows and your client base grows you will naturally see how to extend the time you spend with clients.
- Position your new package so that it stands out from what everyone else is offering by providing a specific result. This does not have to be a monetary result. Zone in on what matters to your ideal client.
- Price based on value not your time. This isn’t a case of your hourly rate x 6 hrs =? Factor in room hire costs etc. Remember you can start at a number that feels right to you and increase as your confidence grows.
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of going High end and the thought of making squillions (yes I made that word up), but I want you know that Flow doesn’t just happen by magic.
You have to be ready for it and take the time to create the structure for it- that’s 2 bad words I’ve used today practical and structure- Oh Boy.
Imagine you’re a farmer and money in your account is your crop, high end packages are the water that you need.
If you don’t create an irrigation system that water is never going to get where you need it most….no matter how much you journal or meditate!
It takes practical steps to get your gifts out in the world, that may mean attending a workshop, joining a mastermind or working with a mentor who specialises in creating profitable packages- yes I mean me!
If you’re ready to go high-end then stop thinking about it and take one practical step today.
I’d love to know what you decided so please share in the comments below or on the Facebook page!
Love and Blessings,
P.P.S When you get your high-end packages right, people notice and you get more opportunities to go High-end!
P.S. If you’re ready to get into the nitty-gritty if what your high-end package can look like then let’s chat.