
The 5 Hidden benefits of a “flash sale”

Almost every January I run a 4 day flash sale on 1:1 coaching.


And every January I get a message asking me if I’m crazy. Because I work with my clients to create, market and fill their high-ticket programmes and services, I guess ” a sale” seems to be a disconnect.

This year is no different.

“3 coaching calls for £150 are you nuts”…

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Before I go into the benefits of a flash sale let’s talk about some of the concerns:

It’ll devalue your Brand: if one sale, once a year can make or break your brand, then you have bigger problems than yoflash sale picu think.
You’ll teach people to NOT buy your high-ticket programme or service: Err no. The result you provide in your high-ticket programme or service should ONLY BE AVAILABLE in your high-ticket programme or service.
You’ll lose money in the long run: Not if your flash sale is part of a longer sales funnel.
Now for the benefits…
The obvious benefit is, if you run your flash sale correctly, and depending on the relationship you have and the size of your list, you can bring in a nice chunk of money quickly.

Here are some other reasons that might not be so obvious (you can thank me later)

The hidden benefits of flash sale:

1 – You reach the “thinkers” and cautious buyers in your community. Nothing like a deadline to move people from “thinking about it” to “here’s my money”. [su_spacer size=”10″]
2 – Coaching calls are better than a survey any day….let that one soak in for a minute.[su_spacer size=”10″]
3 – You create a warm list of leads for your high ticket service. [su_spacer size=”10″]
4 – You re-connect with clients who’ve worked with you 1 even 2 years previously. [su_spacer size=”10″]
5 – You can test out an idea for something new. Put a limiter on the number of places available at the sale price and see how your programme or service works out before you roll it out on a bigger scale.


See a flash sale could be just the thing your business needs to generate new leads AND get some money coming in!

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Speak soon,


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