Over the last 3 months I’ve realised that I’ve built a really successful business that no longer lights me up.
And that was hard for me to admit to myself and even harder to tell you.
I’m not sharing it for sympathy, I’m sharing it because I REALLY want to you know that it’s OK change direction about how you do things in your business.
- Change direction about what you sell
- Change direction about who you work with
- Change direction about what you charge
If it’s no longer serving you, no longer making you happy, just freaking change direction!
So where am I going with this?
This month I’ve promised myself to only do things in my business that make me happy and that means going a bit old school with how I work!
I’m calling it The March Happiness Project and I’d love for you to join me!
I’ll be sharing regularly about it in my Highly Paid Coaches Facebook group so if you’re not already in it, you can join us here.
Here’s to love, money and happiness!
p.s would love to hear your stories of a time you changed direction and it paid off! Do to share below.