If you could add up to $8,000 to your business each month, without having to do a million discovery calls…how would that change the game for you?


The Premium Package Blueprint

A Complete High-Ticket Selling System to Create, Market and Sell Premium Packages,High-end Programmes & VIP Days .

For Coaches, Consultants, VAs, Graphic Designers, Trainers,  Practitioners, Therapists, Professionals & Service-based business Owners

With the help and support you need to make sure you succeed!

I’m ready to share my BEST step-by-step system for creating premium packages, pricing your services and enrolling ideal high paying clients… …so you can simplify growing your business, make more money and position yourself as a leader in the eyes of your ideal clients.


Is This You?…


Are you making ‘okay’ money in your business but your inner voice tells you it’s nowhere near what it could be?

Do you love the work you do with your clients, but you’re fast approaching burn-out because of over-delivering?

Have you been charging by the hour or customising your packages (and find yourself once again, over-delivering in the process)?

Are you overwhelmed with how to take all the brilliant pieces you love to deliver and organise them into clear, compelling premium packages?

Are you looking for that one simple key that will up-level you and your revenue immediately (and without any of those soul-sucking, complicated Internet launches)?

When it comes to pricing, do you feel either stuck or that you’re pulling a number out of thin air?

Would you love to raise your fees but you’re afraid of losing clients in the process?

Would you love to be better at communicating the value of what you provide so that you’re signing on ideal high paying clients?

Do you keep feeling the opportunity to work with better clients is soooo close…and yet seems to stay just out of reach?.


After coaching hundreds of women entrepreneurs from the stage at live events and in my programmes, I can tell you that the problem is not YOU…it’s your packages, how they’re priced and how they are being positioned during your discovery calls , strategy sessions and consultations.

For the first time ever in this home study format, I’m publicly sharing the exact same system I usually keep exclusive to my one to one private clients… …so you can quickly design packages that dramatically increase your revenue AND your profits (this is the number you want to be keeping your eye on)


With a system to create your own high-end programmes, premium packages and VIP days you’ll be able to….

yellow lightbulbCharge double, triple or quadruple what you were charging before.
Instead of a few hundred dollars, your programmes start at $1500, $3000, $5000 or $6000 and UP. Once you gain confidence and experience, your fees will go up – fees of $10,000 – $25,000 per client are very possible. Sign up several clients at once and y
ou’re looking at a five-figure to 6-figure payday. 

yellow lightbulbFree up your time. Even when working one to one, you’re often spending less time with clients and making more. And because high-end clients sign on for longer commitments, you spend less time marketing to find them.

yellow lightbulbAttract serious clients, who show up on time and do the work it takes to get results because you’re attracting a different kind of client and working with them at a much higher level. High-end clients are a joy to work with – and needy, demanding clients are rare.

yellow lightbulbCreate a burst of LEVERAGE in your business. Getting a few committed clients at higher fees creates a boost of cash and frees up time and energy which you can use as LEVERAGE to get to the next level – and offer all those group programs and information products to get your work into the hands of more people.

yellow lightbulbCreate big paydays with NO marketing budget! All you’ll need are the simple tools I’ll show you. You can get your first – or next – high-end client with a single conversation. Establish yourself as a GO-TO EXPERT in your industry, because youoffer the best results

yellow lightbulbGrow your income a lot faster than by offering low end offerings



Whether you are aiming for your FIRST or Next $100K, you DON’T need 10 or 20 different, complicated marketing strategies.

What you DO need is to cut through the noise and clutter, and get real training that takes the guesswork out of packaging, pricing and selling your services.

If you’re ready for a different type of training — one that doesn’t fall into the “skim-the-surface, what and why” type we’re all so bored and tired of seeing out there…then you’ll love this COURSE.




Who Am I & Why Listen to Me?

When I started my first business back in 2006/7 I did what everyone else did. Charged a bit less than “the market rate” and ran loads of offers and deals to get clients in the door.

And the clients CAME!

And 7 months later I had to close my business (with more than $20,000 of debt)

The thing is I was charging so little to get the clients that I STILL didnt make enough money to keep my business going. I was at full capacity and had no more time so I couldnt make any more money…Not to mention the flaky clients that would only book one session or worse book then cancel at the last minute!

Can you relate?

In 2009 when I decided to try again I knew EXACTLY how I was going to sell my services and I created a style of High-ticket Selling that didnt feel like “selling” at all.

Never would I run out of time, clients or money again.

And this is what I want for you too!

A lucrative high-end business where you can confidently charge thousands per client!

Fast forward to today..and I have a thriving business helping coaches, consultants, therapists and service- based business owners to create, market and sell premium packages and high-end programmes so they can make the money they desire to live a life they love!

Now it’s your turn!



WEEK #1Identify your Ideal High Paying Client

How to find clients who can AFFORD to buy from you.

At the end of this module, you will know:

3 Steps to Identifying and then emotionally connecting with your ideal client so that you can easily write compelling copy for your website, emails and sales pages

How to zone in on what they will pay high fees for so you create desirable offers

What key words to include in your programmes make marketing easier.

WEEK #2 – Create your Premium Package
Step – by- Step

How to immediately stop charging by the hour or customizing your packages (even if you do custom work like, VA service graphic or web design, healing or therapies)

At the end of this module, you will know:

A simple remedy to stop overloading your packages, instantly freeing up tons of your time and energy

The 4 key ingredients your package must include to deliver awesome value without you (or your client) getting overwhelmed in the process

Exactly what to include to keep your clients excited about working with you (and reduce refunds or clients backing out)

How to simplify your packages and free your time in the process

How to strike the perfect balance between giving enough value… without over-delivering

WEEK #3 – Pricing your Premium Package

How to Create the Pricing for Your Premium Programme with Confidence

Here’s a secret you may not know about premium packages: how you structure your pricing is a crucial factor in your client’s decision making process. One of the biggest challenges I see for business owners is how to create pricing for their packages. I’ll show you how to create pricing tiers, payment plans, and deposits, that are attractive to your clients, that you can stand behind with confidence, and allows your clients to invest with you, even if they don’t have all of the money in hand right now.

At the end of this module, you will know:

What are the best price points for each type of premium package.

The best way to construct payment plans that work for your clients.

The #1 thing you must include in your payment plans, so that your clients don’t change their minds. 

I’ll provide you with numerous real-life pricing examples from my clients, so you can see exactly what pricing and pricing strategies are working in the marketplace today.

WEEK #4 – Premium Package Marketing

A Step-by-Step System for Attracting High End Clients to You

I will show you the exact system for marketing, I developed which allowed me to enjoy 15K- 25K months as a coach by working with high end clients.

At the end of this module, you will know:

The 3 best marketing methods to start with to attract premium clients My favorite method for screening out clients who aren’t a good fit, so you can avoid spending a lot of time in consultations with people who are not a match.

The 3 most important things you need to change about any existing marketing that you’re doing now to appeal much more strongly to high end clients.

How to offer your premium packages in a natural and authentic way that feels good to you and to your audience

WEEK #5 – Effortless Sales

Step by step, how to confidently and authentically give Discovery Sessions that result in new, ideal clients saying ‘yes’ to your packages

At the end of this module, you will know:

My complete template outlining exactly what to say — and when — during a Discovery Session, removing all of the guesswork so you can focus on creating relationship and connection…and landing ideal new clients in the process

My unique method for clearly communicating the value of working with you, no matter what type of services you offer (yes, this also works brilliantly if your specialty is a “softer” service)

The 1 simple secret to easily avoiding giving away free coaching or consulting during your Discovery Sessions

Exactly when to discuss your fees (and what to say if your prospective clients asks you what you charge BEFORE this critical moment)

Word-for-Word, how to gracefully and confidently transition into your offer, without feeling salesy or inauthentic

What to say during your offer that makes the ‘money part’ easy and no effort


Within just a few weeks you’ll have your package DONE, your pricing DONE and you’ll have a NEW approach to selling your services that makes it easy and authentic to sign on new clients into your Premium Programmes, High End Packages And VIP Days.

Plus these NINE bonuses that will make you more excited than a 5 year old on Christmas eve!

BONUS #1 – Templates for 2 high-value packages you can offer right away (no “figuring it out” required)

BONUS #2 Word-for-word script to offer Discovery sessions and Strategy calls at networking meeting (without sounding all cheesy or pushy)

BONUS #3 Simple scripts to generate a flood of referrals – without being desperate.

BONUS #4 – List of 16 Proven “Hot” Problems That High-Paying Clients Will Eagerly Invest In

BONUS #5: How to confidently announce a price increase template

BONUS #6: Marketing template of the only 3 emails you need to send & a sample newsletter copy to promote your Premium Programmes, High End Packages And VIP Days.

BONUS #7: Detailed checklist of exact steps to take BEFORE your sessions to weed out the people who aren’t really serious about hiring you (no more freebie seekers!)

BONUS #8: Pre-session email template to send the client so when you arrive on the phone together, they practically talk themselves into working with you

BONUS #9: Tantalising Titles that Sell Template: so you can give your premium package a name that appeals to premium buyers


Now, I know the results that my clients and I are sharing are incredible – maybe they even seem a little unreal. And you may be saying, “That’s great, Julia, BUT… I really don’t see how it’s possible for ME.”

After mentoring so many women to offer Premium Programmes, High End Packages And VIP Days (including “hands on” businesses like massage and energy work) I know what’s possible for you. And I DON’T want you to miss out because of a few misconceptions that are easily answered.

“My clients won’t pay higher fees.”
Yes, they will. I’ve done it, and my clients have done it, over and over again. It’s just that no one ever gave you the right SYSTEM that shows you how to tap into a secret, hidden desire clients have to actually pay you more. (Statistically speaking, up to 20% of your clients will only pay for a premium level of service. This means you’re not serving these clients if you DON’T have a high-end option.) 

“I haven’t made 6 -Figures yet.”
This is awesome! That means you get to completely SKIP all the struggle and heartache when it comes to fees, packaging your services and making real money. I invite you to get excited, because the rules of Premium apply no matter what stage of business you’re in. You get to do it right from the get-go.

“I don’t want to leave people behind.”
I completely understand and of course you would never give up on the people you care about. Here’s what I know from experience: many of them will come with you as you “go Premium” because it helps them create such fantastic results. Those who complete can move into your lower cost options (which you’ll finally get to create once you have more space in your schedule).

“I’m not a coach and I don’t teach clients how to make money. 
You don’t have to teach clients how to make money, you just need to help them with a specific problem or challenge they want solved. I’ve mentored holistic nutritionists, life purpose coaches, fertility experts, massage therapists, energy healers,  and spiritual life coaches, and many more – all have made big money with high-end programs.

“I like working with clients one-on-one!”
 Me too! But I’d bet that currently, much of your time goes to clients who are…let’s say…less than satisfying for you. Imagine working exclusively with highly motivated dream clients who show up powerfully and get amazing results. That’s the true beauty of this system – you get to work with clients like THAT. All the time.

 “I’m not ready!”
I’m flat-out calling you out on that one because we know it’s just not true! Truth is, if you’re ready to charge for your services, you’re ready to position and package your one-on-one services as a high-end offer. You and I both know that there’s no “perfect time” to accelerate your growth, and that you’re more than ready right NOW to make a heck of a lot more money, in less time, and with more freedom in your life.

So let me ask you…
If you added $10,000 even $5,000 to your business each month, from a smaller number of highly committed clients…how would that change the game for you?


The Premium Package Blueprint will provide you with


It will provide you with a clear vision on how to successfully add Premium Packages, High-end programmes and lucrative VIP Days to your Buisiness.


Your business will have a lead generation system that brings in qualified high-end leads and helps you convert those leads into customers.


Your expert status in your marketplace will help you generate more referrals, testimonials and new leads in your business.


You will finally understand how to confidently close high-ticket sales without the “ick” factor.


How the Programme Works and Delivery

Here’s how the Premium Package Blueprint Course works and when you’ll receive each module.

You’ll receive access to ALL 5 Modules immediately on registering for the course.

Then every Wednesday at 3:00pm UK time/11:00AM EST, starting Wednesday 19th July you’ll have a LIVE weekly Group Q&A call each week for 5 weeks.

Each week you’ll ask your question (s) for that weeks’ Module so

19th July- Q & A for Module 1

26th July Q & A for Module 2

2nd August Q & A for Module 3

9th August Q& A for Module 4

16th August Q & A Module 5

23d August Recap Q & A

 That way you have plenty of time to implement and ask questions in between modules.

All of the Q & A calls will be recorded so you can listen even if you cant join LIVE

AND You have ongoing support inside your private facebook group and people you can bounce ideas off of so you’re supported all the way.

You can see that I’m making it easy for you to succeed. And by now, clearly the idea of offering high-end programs of your own is speaking to you, since you’ve read this far.

So it’s time to ask yourself “The Million Dollar Question”…

If you could add a simple, predictable, repeatable 5-figure to 6-figure income stream to your business, in record time… how much would that be worth to you?

I’ve included everything you need to create, market and fill  Premium Programmes, High End Packages And VIP Days at fees of $1500, $3,000, $5,000 and up. When you take action on the step- by- step plan I’ll give you, you can have new high-end clients in 60 days or less. That’s thousands of dollars in income just waiting for you.

And I’m serious about helping you get results. I don’t want this to be just another program that sits on your hard drive because when you add even just a few Premium  clients, the money adds up very quickly – my clients have had paydays of $5000, $10,000… $20,000 and even high five figures.

And if that sounds a little “out there” for you right now, you can begin with just one VIP Day client for $1,500. OR a 90 day program for $3,000 or $5000.

Now, there’s no question that the money is amazing. But truthfully? When you own your worth, your confidence grows. Your personal power grows. And your life will change in amazing ways you can’t even predict right now. Above and beyond the money. The money is simply a means.

That’s why I’m so passionate about this strategy. That’s what I see for you and wish for you.

Here’s What You’ll receive in The Premium Package Blueprint 

 5 Video & Audio training modules covering the Premium Package Blueprint System (MP4 recordings)

5 In depth workbooks covering the Premium Package Blueprint
System (PDF)

5 LIVE Q& A Calls (one call each week for 5 weeks)

Done-For-You materials including templates, checklists and word-for-word scripts for fast implementation.

9 Awesome Bonuses

FIVE WEEKS of Ongoing Coaching and Support within a private Facebook Group

I’ve LOADED this program with “done for you” elements, straight from my own business and what I teach my high-end clients. This is the good stuff that has been proven to work, so you can feel confident that it will work for you too.

Given that your time is priceless, it’s truly hard to put a price on the VALUE of the HOURS you’ll save with the tools and templates I’ve created for you. That said, you’ll easily save 10 hours OR MORE when you use these resources.

What this means for you is that this collection of scripts, outlines, templates and “swipefile” copy alone is EASILY worth 3x the investment in this program alone.

So are you ready to Create And Sell Premium Programmes, High End Packages And VIP Days?

I hope so because I can’t wait to help you get clients this month… and forever.

Click on the buttons below  to place your order now.

Get started with The Premium Package Blueprint right now.