In Part 1-  we looked at Clarity if you missed it you can read it here

Today in Part 2 I’m talking about CONSISTENCY a.k.a the bit we don’t always like… 

Consistency comes down to this: Pick ONE thing and stick with it. Become known for that one thing before you add more. That goes whether you sell products or services.

What didn’t work: In the shop I offered braiding, make-up, skin care products and hair care products that covered a wide range of ethnicities. It meant hefty overhead costs to buy in all those goods and not enough sales in any one area to match. It meant I was consistently overstocked because I had no clear indicators of what was selling well.

What worked this time: Weddings, Wedding and more Weddings for mixed couples only. When I became known for that I added luxury destination weddings. Ok so there are no stock costs involved but my advertising costs were significantly lower. As an established specialist service provider leading publications like Conde Nast Brides approached me not the other way around.

How to Make this work for you:

Take some time to reflect on this question

If you could only provide one service or sell one product in your business and make 100K every year what would it be?

Commit to offering that one thing for the next 6 months. This way you are becoming known and establishing yourself as an expert and specialist service provider.

Right! That’s it for now. Let me know how you get on and of course feel free to ask me any questions.

Be Rich~ Stay Sassy


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