- Grow your List
- The money is in your list
- You can’t sell out your programmes if you have a small list
How many times have you heard those statements?
Here’s what though…
List- building is NOT the same as Lead Generation
List building adding emails
Lead generation is about connecting with people who’ve indicated that they’d benefit from what you have to offer
List building is about a marketing message that you broadcast in the hopes that it reaches your ideal client
Lead generation is about laser sharp message that instant CONNECTs you with your Ideal Client
List building is about numbers
Lead Generation is about Sales
BOTH are important how ONE provides a quick ROI in a short time.
When it comes to selling your premium packages you want to focus lead generation.
Remember BETTER Leads = More Sales.
Speak soon,
P.S. If you’re ready to generate leads and sales for your Premium Packages join me on Facebook over in The Premium Club.