1:1 Mentorship so you can Charge More, Sell More and Sell More Consistently

Whatever your sales goal, you KNOW what you want to achieve. This is where you get support and specific guidance to get it.

More than just "fast cash" (although that will happen too), this is about where you want to be 6 or 12 months from now.

You're showing up; let's make sure you get paid MORE for It!

See below for proof of what’s possible!

Before we get started, you need to know some things...

Firstly, the investment for the Moneymaker Intensive is currently $10,000 paid in full

The reason I’m telling you this right at the top of the page is because: 

1. You realise straight away that I don’t always stick to “the rules”. In fact, if you want to offer the same stuff that everyone else is doing, then this is NOT for you.

2. If this is out of your budget, then I get it and I don’t want to waste your time – but bookmark this page, because when you’re ready to grow your sales and your profits EXPONENTIALLY – this is where you’ll want to be.

This is for you if

Your income is consistent, great by most standards and you're ready for more. You're ready for some help imagining what that looks like and a solid plan to get there.

Your income is not consistent, YET everything in your soul feels "this" close to a breakthrough. Let's look at what you need to grow into to make that possible.

You LOVE sales and are ready for more than just "fast cash". This is about where you want to be 6 or 12 months from now.

This is about more than High-ticket Sales... this is knowing that your sales today are the foundation for your legacy tomorrow.

The Intensive includes...

1 x 90-minute session to create your customized sales plan so you can sell 3 - 5 of your high ticket offer within 6 weeks

An in-depth business assessment to assess the current state of your business and see what's stopping the consistent sales of your high-ticket offer

4 x 30-minute coaching calls

Unlimited Voxer support for 6 weeks so you're fully supported as you implement

BONUS: Access to curated resources & trainings from The Art of Selling Premium

Join the Moneymaker Intensive

What my clients are saying

Rosalie Audoin

Marketing Coach for Authors

£4800 in 30 Days!

I made £4800 in 30 Days. I gained a perfect understanding of what my clients wanted and learned Julia’s framework, which I can repeat over and over again. Julia’s the REAL DEAL. She’s generous, her methods work, she’s very intuitive and totally changed the game for me in no time

Cynthia Adipue

Wedding & Event Planner- Kimberly Rose Designs

Plenty of Practical Business tools that made me MONEY!

Julia’s wealth of knowledge and experience is invaluable! She really “got” my business concept, what I’m trying to do and where I’m at, and advised accordingly. Julia gave me the practical tools to my ideas into a business that actually makes money.

Join the Moneymaker Intensive


How is what you're selling supporting your vision for your life & business?

This is the question I asked myself when I needed to take a big step back from my business.

I had grown a 7-figure coaching business and was killing IT... and then I had to admit the business kinda was killing me (Oops) ,I know how important it is to sell programs that make money AND that feel good.

The sales you make today set the stage for your legacy tomorrow.

This Intensive is part of your legacy.

We'll look at strategy, mindset and energetics, AND we'll ensure that it all works for where you want to be 6 or 12 months from now.


Answers to your FAQs


Do I need to be a Christian to work with you?

Nope. ALL are welcome. There will be references to God & spirituality when we do the money mindset work. If you’re cool with that, then I’m cool with you.

Is this only for 6-figure coaches?

All coaches & service-based business owners at every stage of their journey can book Moneymaker.

I’m just starting out and have a small following and nearly zero list or audience. Will this work for me?

Yes. I'll help you get clear on your most sellable offer and the messaging to get in front of clients who will buy it.