What if you’re not selling enough because you’re not charging enough?

The first time I sold a 10K package the customer told me he bought because I was the most expensive.

Before I sold that 10K package I was struggling to sell a 3K package and in a moment of determination (I was frustrated and broke) I decided “to hell with this I’m going to offer this package”. It was a nothing to lose moment because really at the time my personal circumstances couldn’t get much worse.

In the months that followed that ONE client sent me NINE referrals totalling 90K!

To premium buyers, 10K, 15K, 25K and more is a sign of deliverability.

It tells them you can do what you say you can do.

It tells them to trust you more than any email marketing campaign ever could.

No opt-in

No email

No sales funnel

Will sell for you better than a premium package that kicks a$$

It’s time.

Speak soon,


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