Been pondering…

Sometimes the coaching industry reminds me of the property market. Fees go up and up and up, clients asked to pay more & more, till eventually…

I know that might sound strange coming from me especially as my business is all about selling high-end, but it got me reflecting. Part of the role of a coach is to stretch, push a bit & encourage growth but We as coaches (yes I am owning my part) also have a responsibility to really SERVE our clients, meet them where they are to get them to the next step.

Serve, Support, Come alongside, Nuture: not bad words when it comes to personal development.

I’ve made a decision to do my bit especially for new coaches.

I teach about selling high-end but when you’re just starting out as a coach, before you sell high-end you have to sell SOMETHING to get yourself in the game. And if you feel stuck when it comes to packaging and selling your kind of magic then this invitation is for you.

I have 10 spots from now til the end of August to work with me 1:1 to get your 1st coaching package created & a complete sales sequence in place to sell it. These 10 spots are only £997 (not my usual £1900)

Why? Because

  • You KNOW the value of being coached & a special rate won’t make it worth any less to you
  • In the early days of business every penny counts and it helps when you can see how you’ll make the money back (especially when you have to discuss the spend with your partner)
  • Sometimes you just want somebody to give you a break so you can breathe a little easier (been there, still remember how it feels)

This is it 10 spots – 1:1- Coach with Confidence- if you feel this is for you, you can see everything that is included and sign up here

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